Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The risks associated with ionizing radiation in medical imaging Assignment

The dangers related with ionizing radiation in clinical imaging practice, and the safeguard required to secure against them - Assignment Example Notwithstanding, the shorter frequency, higher recurrence waves, for example, X-beams and gamma beams are utilized in the clinical imaging strategies and can be naturally lethal (WHO, 2011) (Figure 1). Ionizing radiation can be sorted into two structures. The first is the radiation as EM wave, for example, a x-beam or gamma beam and the subsequent one is the radiation in type of molecule, for example, an alpha or beta molecule, neutron, or proton (DeLima Associates 1993, 1-48). X-beams are radiations that are falsely created utilizing machine. Gamma beams are EM waves that are discharged from the core of a temperamental molecule. The different types of ionizing radiation have distinctive impact on the organic frameworks (Holmes, White and Gaffney, 2011). Be that as it may, these radiations are of incredible use in the clinical science and have contributed essentially in clinical imaging practice. This paper features the dangers connected with the utilization of ionizing radiation in clinical imaging practice and the fundamental safeguards that should be taken while taking care of it. Roentgen was the individual who found X-beams in the year 1895. From that point forward the utilization of ionizing radiation in medication extended (Holmes, White and Gaffney, 2011). Today, clinical science utilizes both ionizing and non-ionizing radiations in imaging strategies. The ultrasound utilizes the acoustic heartbeats for reverberation extending imaging or if there should arise an occurrence of attractive reverberation imaging (MRI) radio-waves are joined with high-field magnets to create pictures. Both ultrasound and MRI utilize non-ionizing radiations. Then again the clinical imaging procedures that utilization ionizing radiation comprise of those pictures created by the utilization of x-beams or gamma beams. Both x-beams and gamma beams are high vitality, short frequency EM radiation that can infiltrate through practically all tissues. Gamma beams are created because o f atomic rots of radioactive tracers that are brought into the body and x-beams originate from x-beam tube in which rapid electrons are besieged to a little spot on a tungsten anode target. At the point when radiation goes through the body, it is differentially spellbound by tissues. For instance, calcium is inexhaustibly present in the body and has a higher nuclear weight when contrasted with hydrogen that shapes a significant part of tissue water. In this way, the ionizing radiation is taken up distinctively in various pieces of the tissue. In this procedure if the tissue molecules are ionized, they become artificially responsive and can cause genuine cell harm. In this way, when these clinical imaging procedures are definitely utilized insurances should be taken. One of the most well-known imaging strategies is the X-beams which is profoundly helpful demonstratively by both processed tomography and film (Yale University School of Medicine 2004). We all sooner or later of time hav e a x-beam assessment that guides the physicians’ to analyze infection or harm in the body structure. In another analytic method the radionuclides are directed to patients and with the assistance of locators outside the body, the working of the organs can be watched. Consequently when the doctors need to get a thought of any issue inside the body, they utilize one of these imaging techniques. As a rule the radiation portions utilized in these imaging forms are low. Figure 2 shows the normal radiation portion of regular radiographic methods. On the off chance that we look at the radiation portion that is utilized in imaging with that utilized in the treatment of threatening

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Market Structure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Market Structure - Research Paper Example any new firm can enter the market in view of no limitations, for example, high arrangement cost, legitimate hindrances or some other. All the organizations are acquiring typical benefit as there is solid rivalry inside the business. Also, homogenous items are created, for example all items are indistinguishable or normalized and are substitutes of one another, subsequently having a similar cost also (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). A defective rivalry is the place there are relatively few makers in the market and there is less rivalry as purchasers and dealers are not completely mindful of the costs so various costs exist for same item in the market (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). There are three types of a blemished market: Monopolistic Competition: Under this structure, there are barely any merchants as comparedwith immaculate rivalry and the items created are separated because of marking, which gives the maker an approach to have his own valuing arrangement and along these lines can pr ocure more than typical benefits (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). Oligopoly: there are a couple of providers in the market in this structure, and each provider has a generous power over the costs, and yield created on the grounds that couple of providers control the whole flexibly in the market. There is solid opponent awareness in light of the relationship of providers. There is a chance of item separation just as substitute items, and the value yield arrangement of every provider relies on the level of homogeneity or heterogeneity (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). Imposing business model: There is a solitary vender or maker who controls the whole market. As he controls the entire gracefully, he can fix the cost and win anomalous benefits. There are high hindrances to section and exit from this industry, which keeps contenders from going into it (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). It’s a one firm industry where there is no requirement for separation on the grounds that no substitutes are accessible. There is a solitary item totally heavily influenced by a monopolist who is the value maker(â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). 2. Recognize one genuine case of a market structure in your nearby city and relate your guide to every one of the qualities of the market. There are various ventures or markets working in a city, with every one of them following an alternate market structure as indicated by the idea of the business there. One such prevailing industry is the women’s attire, which is working in the monopolistic rivalry advertise structure. It is a genuine case of this structure, and one can plainly sort its highlights as those present in this market structure. There is a high number of merchants in the market with each delivering a separated item and vigorously publicizing and elevating its image name to make client mindfulness. The point of firms is to container brand reliability, which permits them to charge a more significant expense than their rival, implying that merchants have some authority over cost yet not full control due to their interdependency. In since quite a while ago run, firm with successful publicizing and development will just procure ordinary benefits due to the opposition as it won't have the option to charge too high a cost. Be that as it may, in short run, a few firms can acquire strange benefits with their non-value rivalry, quality, structure or alluring promoting, much the same as in women’s garments. The items are created practically same style aside from some variety in the plans, quality and a solid brand name related with it. There is

Monday, July 27, 2020

Understanding Abandonment Issues and BPD

Understanding Abandonment Issues and BPD BPD Living With BPD Print Understanding Abandonment Issues and BPD By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Updated on September 19, 2019 JGI/Tom Grill / Getty Images More in BPD Living With BPD Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions I am a 22-year-old who was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) when I was 19. I think my BPD is related to the fact that I had a difficult childhood. Without getting into details, my dad wasnt around, and my mom just wasnt a great mom. My biggest problem now is that I cant seem to maintain relationships. Everyone leaves me. I cant keep a boyfriend for more than a few months, and even my friends dump me after a while. Whenever one of my relationships ends, I feel horrible, empty, and desperate. I do my best to try to win them back, but it never works. Why cant people just be good to me and stick around? Borderline Personality Disorder and Relationship Struggles The struggle with relationships that you describe is very common for people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). A key symptom of BPD is fear of abandonment.?? This symptom may cause you to need frequent reassurance that abandonment is not imminent, to go to great lengths to try to avoid abandonment  and to feel devastated when someone ends a relationship with you. But you are also describing another phenomenon thats common in BPD. People with BPD tend to have more unstable, chaotic relationships than others, and these relationships often end prematurely due to conflict.   Conflict Can Lead to Abandonment In many ways, its a double-whammy. People with BPD both fear abandonment and have symptoms that create conflict with others and often lead to abandonment, which then reinforces the fear. In addition, people with BPD are likely particularly attuned to the experience of being abandoned. So, even though it is painful for everyone to experience the end of relationships, the end of a relationship can feel particularly devastating for people with BPD. Ways to Stop the Unhealthy Cycle of Conflict and Abandonment The good news is that there are things you can do to try to stop this cycle. For example, in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) a set of skills called the “interpersonal effectiveness” skills are taught. These skills can help you learn to be more effective in relationships, which can make those relationships stronger and more likely to last. If you arent getting DBT now, this may be something to talk to your therapist about. Schema-focused therapy also may be helpful in identifying and actively changing problematic ways of thinking that cause issues in your life. It can help you pinpoint unmet needs you have that youve been trying to get others to meet in an unhealthy way and find healthy ways to get those needs met instead. In addition, it can help to explore the roots of the abandonment issues with your therapist. It sounds like you had some experiences in your early childhood that would understandably leave you afraid of people leaving you. Talking about how those early experiences influence your current ways of viewing and interacting with the world may be helpful. With treatment, hard work and time, it is possible to have more stable relationships and learn to view both yourself and others in a more healthy and realistic manner.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Philosopher Karl Popper And Empirical Falsification

Philosopher Karl Popper is widely known for his rejection of classical inductivism, the idea that scientific knowledge is derived only from observation, and also his support of empirical falsification, the idea that scientific theories cannot be proven correct, but they can be proven false. In other words, empirical falsification means that theories can and should be closely and thoroughly examined by decisive experiments. In Popper’s view, a claim must be falsifiable, or testable, in order for it to be scientifically true; if a hypothesis cannot be refuted, then it is not a scientific claim. Untestable ideas and theories within science are dubbed â€Å"pseudo-science† by Popper, because they have no falsification. Things like Anthropology and†¦show more content†¦Alternatively, the proclamation â€Å"the Earth is flat† is scientific because it can be proven to be false through scientific investigation. Popper came up with the term â€Å"Critical Ration alist†, an expression to describe his ideology. Critical rationalists believe that hypothesis and theories should be criticized in a rational way and should be tested in a way that they can be proven to be false. Popper was inspired to come up with his idea of falsification because of the many advances happening in the Western scientific world while he was growing up in the early 1900’s. Growing up in this time, Popper was intrigued by the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and even attended lectures of Albert Einstein about the rules of the universe. He noticed that these distinguished thinkers used different methods within their work. Freud could make almost any piece of data work in favor of his theory. To illustrate, he could explain someone’s intimacy issues both in terms of not being hugged enough as a child or in terms of being hugged too much. Evidence to support his claims were all around. Contrary to Freud, Popper noticed that Einstein was making a different kind of prediction. Instead of looking in the past to â€Å"predict† the present like Freud, he was looking ahead to predict things in the future. Popper saw Einstein’s method to be extremely ri sky because if theShow MoreRelatedScientific Method and Sir Karl Popper1407 Words   |  6 PagesSir Karl Popper, challenging the status quo, inspiring generations to ponder on the meaning of science, the methods to find truth, is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. Of particular importance to scientific methods of inquiry is the brawl between the development of theory and the criteria for science. 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In order to analyseRead MoreInduction As A General Law Or Principle From The Observation Of Particular Instances ( Induction )1707 Words   |  7 Pagesprinciple from the observation of particular instances (Induction). Despite their reasoning’s, philosophers such as Hume and Popper have publicly voiced their disagreement and concerns with induction. Hume’s concern with casual connection and the uncertainty of something when individual has not personally experienced that given experience has lead me to contemplate the arguments brought forward by both Hume and Popper and in the end side with the both of them and disagree with induction. What is InductionRead MoreThe Scientific Theory Of Science1489 Words   |  6 Pages Science is based on fact through the processes of falsification. It is a utility function in society and is widely consistent with the evidence of history and practice of rational thinking. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Designing Innovative New Style At Sho Noodle Bar - 1850 Words

I am working as a manager in restaurant named Sho Noodle Bar which is under reputed company named Crown situated at Yarra River in Melbourne CBD.Shà ² Noodle Bar is located on the main gaming floor. Marvel as the chefs create fabulous South East Asian cuisine in the Shà ² kitchen with the unique flavours from our selection of noodles, Dim Sum, wok dishes and roasts. You can also experience the sublime flavours of our 24 relaxing teas from China and Taiwan in our tea lounge. However, we decide to change the menu items on a customer demands and according to maintain our standard. Vision Mission Our vision and mission is to create innovative new style cuisine and customer dining experience is wonderful. We long to keep the company financially healthy enough to gain impartial and responsible. Organizational values We place the customer experience at the heart of everything we do: -Our customers are the reason for our existence. We demonstrate our appreciation by providing them with high quality food and superior service in a clean, friendly, great value. Our goal is quality, service, cleanliness and value (QSC V) for every customer, every time. We are committed to our people: - we offer the opportunity to cultivate talent, develop leaders and reward achievement. We believe that a well-trained team of people with different backgrounds and experiences, working together in favor of respect and promotion of a high level of participation of environment, for our continued success. We

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

ASDA Free Essays

Undertaking 1 Investigate the Planning and Range of Tools and Techniques involved in developing a Market Strategy. Using selling rules, theories and constructs critically evaluate a scope of tools and techniques used by a retail shop of your pick. You should get down with general rating of their selling scheme and so see each of the followers: An appraisal of the importance and the usage of information in their selling scheme. We will write a custom essay sample on ASDA or any similar topic only for you Order Now An analysis of how the planetary context has been incorporated into their selling scheme. A contemplation on how the retail shop has embraced e-business schemes in their selling. Introduction The Planning and Range of Tools with Techniques are involved in developing a Market Strategy. Using selling rules, theories and constructs critically I am about to measure a scope of tools and techniques used by a ASDA. The general rating of their selling scheme is to be found sing each of the followers: the importance and the usage of information in their selling scheme. an analysis of how the planetary context has been incorporated into their selling scheme. a contemplation on how ASDA has embraced e-business schemes in their selling. Company Profile ASDA was started with the vision of the establishing male parents to do it a one halt store for all the demands of the consumers. The company is one of the well known supermarket ironss located in the UK. It has on offer nutrient, vesture every bit good as general ware points for its consumers. In 1999 the company came together with Wal-Mart. The history of the company goes back in clip to the 1920s. At that clip the Asquith household owned a meatmans store at Knottingely in West Yorkshire. The two brothers in the household, Fred and Peter took over the concern and were besides the laminitiss of ASDA. At the same clip another company with the name of Craven Dairies ltd was formed with the aid of a group of West Riding Dairy Farmers. In 1949 the companies merged to set up the Associated Dairies A ; Farm Stores Ltd. It was merely in 1965 that the company got its present name when Associated Diaries came together with Asquith. As per records of 2007 the company has a portion of 16.8 % in the food market market of UK. The format of the ASDA shops is simple with green and white colourss. After it became one of the subordinates of Wal-Mart there were many ace centres opened by both the companies jointly. At present there are a sum of 21 such supermarkets in UK entirely. In 2003 the company brought into the market â€Å" ASDA life † which was the first general shop of the company. It sold a scope of merchandises including vesture, toys, place electronics, wellness merchandises, homewares, every bit good as beauty merchandises. The company has joined custodies with the Compass group that has java stores in a few of the shops of the company. In 2006 ASDA introduced ASDA Necessities that stocked the merchandises of the company. This served to vie with the other price reduction supermarkets in the part. However the shop was closed down in 2007. The company besides has its online shop that started in 1998. It sells points in a figure of classs including travel, amusement, furniture, electrical, gifts, nomadic phones, and flowers. The company besides sells its ain trade name of dressing known as George. In 2007 the company launched ASDA electrical that focused on electrical merchandises. This is to vie with Tesco Direct of Tesco. ASDA has been reported to be one of the best known companies to work for. There is a price reduction of 10 % on all the goods that are purchased by the staff from the company. Besides in December there is a dual price reduction twenty-four hours wherein the staff members are allowed a price reduction of 20 % on their purchases. The company strives to do shopping at the shops an gratifying experience for the clients. The company has many disablement every bit good as family-friendly services that are available at all the shops that guarantee that the company is able to provide to the different demands of the clients. Facts: * ASDA employs about 160,000 employees. * At the present ranks second among the retail ironss in the state. * The company has 365 shops across the Earth. Strategic And Operational Plans ASDA prepared a new strategic program that was endorsed by the so Minister for Sport and Tourism ( The Hon Jackie Kelly MP ) in September 2001. The 2001-2005 Strategic Plan prescribes ASDA ‘s: * future way ( vision ) ; * runing environment ( mission ) ; * strategic discovery issues ( ends ) ; * schemes ( aims ) ; * values ( runing ethos ) ; and * cardinal public presentation indexs ( steps ) . Reappraisal Selling Plan To supply goods/services that are inexpensive and low-cost to consumers or the populace. cut downing the cost aims of their items/products recycling their waste boxing their merchandises good back uping voluntary services ASDA leads the manner in giving UK clients the merchandises they want at the lowest monetary values and continue to widen the monetary value spread between our rivals. We have ever been committed to maintaining monetary values low, something our clients value and acknowledge. SWOT Analysis ASDA is the 2nd largest food market retail in UK where as Wal-Mart is the largest in the United States, with an estimated 20 % of the retail food market and consumables concern, every bit good as the largest plaything marketer in the U.S. It besides owns and operates the North American Company of Sam ‘s Club. Wal-Mart operates in Mexico as Walmex, in the UK as ASDA, and in Japan as Seiyu. It has wholly-owned operations in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the UK. Wal-Mart ‘s investings outside North America have had mixed consequences: its operations in South America and China are extremely successful, while it was forced to draw out of Germany when its venture there was unsuccessful. Wal-Mart has been criticized by some community groups, adult females ‘s rights groups, grassroots organisations, and labour brotherhoods, specifically for its extended foreign merchandise sourcing, low rates of employee wellness insurance registration, opposition to brotherhood representation, and alleged sexism. Strengths. A house ‘s strengths are its resources and capablenesss that can be used as a footing for developing a competitory advantage. 1. Wal-Mart is a powerful retail trade name. It has a repute for value for money, convenience and a broad scope of merchandises all in one shop. 2. Wal-Mart has grown well over recent old ages, and has experienced planetary enlargement ( for illustration its purchase of the United Kingdom based retail merchant ASDA ) 3. The company has a nucleus competency affecting its usage of information engineering to back up its international logistics system. For illustration, it can see how single merchandises are executing country-wide, store-by-store at a glimpse. IT besides supports Wal-Mart ‘s efficient procurance. 4. A focussed scheme is in topographic point for human resource direction and development. Peoples are cardinal to Wal-Mart ‘s concern and it invests clip and money in developing people, and retaining a developing them. Failings. The absence of certain strengths may be viewed as a failing. 1. Wal-Mart is the World ‘s largest food market retail merchant and control of its imperium, despite its IT advantages, could go forth it weak in some countries due to the immense span of control. 2. Since Wal-Mart sell merchandises across many sectors ( such as vesture, nutrient, or stationary ) , it may non hold the flexibleness of some of its more focussed rivals. 3. The company is planetary, but has has a presence in comparatively few states Worldwide. 4. In some instances, a failing may be the impudent side of a strength. Take the instance in which a house has a big sum of fabrication capacity. While this capacity may be considered a strength that rivals do non portion, it besides may be a considered a failing if the big investing in fabricating capacity prevents the house from responding rapidly to alterations in the strategic environment. Opportunities. The external environmental analysis may uncover certain new chances for net income and growing. To take over, merge with, or organize strategic confederations with other planetary retail merchants, concentrating on specific markets such as Europe or the Greater China Region. 1. The shops are presently merely trade in a comparatively little figure of states. Therefore there are enormous chances for future concern in spread outing consumer markets, such as China and India. 2. New locations and shop types offer Wal-Mart chances to work market development. They diversified from big ace Centres, to local and mall-based sites. 3. Opportunities exist for Wal-Mart to go on with its current scheme of big, ace Centres. Menaces. Changes in the external environmental besides may show menaces to the house. 1. Bing figure one means that you are the mark of competition, locally and globally. 2. Bing a planetary retail merchant means that you are exposed to political jobs in the states that you operate in. 3. The cost of bring forthing many consumer merchandises tends to hold fallen because of lower fabrication costs. Manufacturing cost have fallen due to outsourcing to low-priced parts of the World. This has lead to monetary value competition, ensuing in monetary value deflation in some scopes. Intense monetary value competition is a menace. 2.7 Decisions The concern sector in which ASDA works is extremely competitory. Supermarkets need to maintain clients loyal. ASDA keeps them loyal by holding a good consequence in the topographic points in which it works. 2.8 Recommendations This subdivision outlines future actions. The Recommendations should:  § Be action orientated, and executable  § Relate logically to the Decisions ( i.e Conclusion 4.1 should take to Recommendation 5.1 )  § Be arranged in order of importance  § Be compendious 2.9 Mentions www.your.asda.com 2.10 Appendixs Appendixs contain information that is excessively complex to include in the study. You need to direct readers to this information, as in â€Å"Appendix A provides an overview of the bing company hierarchy† . How to cite ASDA, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Prophet Muhammad Life

Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) is the greatest role representation of all humankind. He had exceptional qualities and characteristics. He was an incredible parent, an immense statesperson, moderator, and a religious chief.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Prophet Muhammad Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Prophet Muhammad had a perfect and absolute sound intellect. There is no man who has ever had a sound intellect as Prophet Muhammad. He had complete knowledge of the divine scriptures. The prophet (Pbuh) had the capability to correct disturbing behaviors, put into operation policies, and smack examples. He was an example of the model to which all people could recount to in all twigs of information. He learned regulations of heredity, medicine, acts of adoration, and pedigree without probing or analyzing the scriptures of Quran or scripts of his ancestors. God informed Prophet Muhammad of the things that wou ld come in the future and things that had taken place in the past (Al-Sheba, 2006). Prophet Muhammad did things for the sake of God. He would do activities through which he would seek God’s gratification. He was debilitated and ill treated when he requested and called the community to Islam (Al-Sheba, 2006). According to Abdul-Kareem al-Sheba, (2006) Prophet Muhammad was always sincere. He was honest in everything he did as God had ordered him. Allah said that his prayer, means of forfeiture, life, and death are for God. According to Mustafa as-Sibaa, (2003) Prophet (Pbuh) had considerable companionship, ethics, and morals. He was an existing paradigm for everyone to go after. Aisha, the Prophet’s wife was asked about his behaviors, and she said that the Prophet’s etiquette were the Quran. She meant that he abided by the commandments and laws of the Quran. The prophet observed the righteous activities stated in the Holly book. The prophet said that God had sent him to perfect upright behaviors and to do ideal activities. Prophet Muhammad was polite. He showed high-quality conduct to all people including young children. Whenever he was in a meeting, he was brought a drink, and he drank. He appreciated the elderly people but was not ready to upset the feelings of the young lad in the gathering (Mahnaz and Ali, 2010).Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Mahnaz Heydarpoor and Mohammad Ali Shomali (2010), Prophet Muhammad had a love for reconciliation and reformation. Each time a circumstance occurred which called for resolution, he would come quickly to settle it. When he found that the people of Qubaa had a misunderstanding about a certain issue, he hurriedly went to initiate peace and settle the matter. According to Abdul-Kareem al-Sheba, (2006) the prophet (Pbuh) would always recommend virtuous deeds and provoke evi l deeds. If he saw a deed, which goes against the principles of Quran, the Prophet (Pbuh) would take the necessary measures to curb the suitable. He reached for a man wearing a gold ring and removed it off his finger. He told people to use their hands, tongues, and hearts to change wicked dealings. Prophet Muhammad had a love for purification. A friend passed by him when he was cleansing. When he greeted the Prophet (Pbuh) with God’s name, he did no respond. He said that he did not like to mention God’s name while he was not in a purified state (Mustafa, 2003). The prophet (Pbuh) would always safeguard and mind a person’s language. He would constantly remind himself of God’s name. He did not utter anything in hopelessness. He would cut down his speech and elongate his prayers for God. He was always to ready to lend a hand and carter for the needs of the less fortunate people in the society (Al-Sheba, 2006). According to Abdul-Kareem al-Sheba, (2006), the prophet (Pbuh) always excelled in acts of worship. His wife, Aisha said that the prophet would pray throughout the night. When A’ishah asked him why, the prophet (Pbuh) told her that he was an obliged slave of God. According to Mustafa as-Sibaa ‘ie, (2003), Prophet Muhammad had strong faith and dependence on God. He and his companions face relentless temptations from the nonbelievers. The prophet (Pbuh) reminded his companions that the will of God should reign and that the nonbelievers will be defeated. When the Prophet(Pbuh) and Abu Bakr went to the cave to hide after they planned to migrate to Madeenah, Makkah’s nonbelievers sent troops to search for them, but it was all in vain. The prophet (pbuh) was always kind and compassionate. He was the kindest person and showed kindness to all people including children. His treatment of infants shows the prophets kindness (Pasha, 2012). The prophet (pbuh) prayed to God while holding Abul-Aas’s daughter Umaamah, a n infant girl. He put her down as he bowed and carried her when he stood (Mahnaz and Ali, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Prophet Muhammad Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Prophet Muhammad was always cooperative. He was not a God’s messenger who commanded his companions and believers to do what God expected of them. He accomplished his activities helped others in communal responsibilities (Mahnaz and Ali, 2010). Prophet Muhammad was renowned for his reliability and trustworthiness (Mahnaz and Ali, 2010). The nonbelievers of Makkah would give their treasure to the prophet (Pbuh). The prophet’s reliability came to test when the nonbelievers of Makkah ill-treated the King, tormented his friends and forced them out of their residences. Works Cited Al-Sheba, Abdul-Kareem. Muhammad (Pbuh), the messenger of God. April 2006.Web. http://www.messengerofgod.info/book-messenger-of-god.htm Mahnaz, Heydarpoor and Mohammad Ali. Moral Characteristics of the Prophets. June 2010. Web. http://messageofthaqalayn.com/41-moral.pdf Mustafa, As-Sibaa‘ie. The life of Prophet Muhammad. Rabwa: Islamic Publishing House. 2003. Print. Pasha, Kamran. The Mercy of Prophet Muhammad. Sept 2012. Web. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-mercy-of-prophet-muhammad_b_1879601 This research paper on Prophet Muhammad Life was written and submitted by user Nolan W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 20, 2020

An Interesting Coming of Age Ritual in Germany

An Interesting Coming of Age Ritual in Germany This weekend my soon to be 14-year-old son took part in a ceremony that I had known only from my knowledge about the German Democratic Republic (GDR), the Jugendfeier also known as Jugendweihe.   A quick history of this coming of age ritual It marks the coming of age of the participants with a memorable celebration and it thought as an alternative to religious initiations like the Kommunion and Firmung (Catholic Church) or Konfirmation (Protestant Church) where children declare that they choose to be self-declared members of these churches. While the concept is from 1852, the Jugendweihe was adopted in 1954 by the socialist GDR and turned into a ritual where the young had to make an oath (scroll to the end of this article to find the oath with translation into English) in favor of the socialist state. The Jugendfeier nowadays does not require the participants to make any vow or swear an oath. The only tradition that has survived the GDR is that they all get a rose and a book with thought provoking texts about becoming an adult.  You can read a bit more about this event that still is popular among former inhabitants of the GDR or their descendants here on Wikipedia. From a fathers experience We took part in this event due to the fact that my son Simon goes to a school in the Eastern part of Berlin with many parents that still seem to feel some (N)Ostalgy  and brought this topic up in class. As 20 out of 28 classmates of Simon wanted to participate in it, we didn’t want him to stand out and asked him whether he’d like to participate or not. At that age it is important for him to be part of the group and so he decided for it.   As I was born in Western Germany and had gone through a rather Catholic education and initiation I didn’t have any idea what to expect but neither had I any rejection of that idea nor was I much excited about it. I took Simon to parachute jumping last year which we inofficially declared to mark his transition into an adolescent. His mother, originating from Poland, another formerly socialist country, didn’t really know the Jugendweihe either but we were on the same track regarding our participation. Its seems still pretty popular The fact that we had to register for the event in 2013, almost 18 months ahead of time, shows how popular it still is. There were also several seminars planned that would cover certain topics of adolescence and start a thought process in the children about who they wanted to be and become. Many of those seminars where also thought to be lead or at least organized by the parents. But this task seemed to be more difficult than many had hoped. In those months until the Jugendweihe, Simon took part probably in two events and I didn’t really get the impression that he took much from it. In socialist times, those preparations would have been organized by the state and would have included quite some propaganda.   Its not the ritual, its what you make of it I’m not blaming others. I understand that our lack of deeper interest and conviction in the sense of such an initiation also had a huge influence on everything. Another parent with more enthusiasm would have described this experience probably quite differently.   When the great day came, we were invited with approximately 2000 other people to meet at the Friedrichstadtpalast, a revue theater in the evening. There the Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands (HVD, Humanistic Organisation of Germany) had organized quite a show with professional dancers and singers and has managed to get some popular entertainers like e.g. Joko Winterscheidt or actress Anna Loos to leave a few encouraging words to the children. My interim conclusion Parts of it I personally found a bit over the top and it all was a bit surprising as neither of us really knew what to expect of that day. On the other hand it was mainly entertaining and short enough to enjoy it and the message for the young participants was to trust in themselves, to question authority and to understand that with growing up they will be confronted with new rights and obligations in their life. I can’t really object to that, can you? The rest of the day As everything started at 8.30h on Saturday morning, we were home by noon and both families (my son’s mother remarried a while ago and has two little adorable daughters today) had a nice brunch   in a cafà © next door and then just enjoyed the rest of the day with my half of the family. A unique experience I am very thankful to have been able to witness this event. In a way it was inpiring, though I would have also enjoyed a more humble approach to it all. Coming of age is a challenge for all members of the family and I would have integrated the parents and siblings way more into the preparation. But as I don’t expect others to take care of my responsibilities, my overall experience was a positive one. I hope you enjoyed this little insight into the German culture and I would like to know what you do in your culture to mark the coming of age of your children. If you are religious: do you consider the existing religious rituals to also cover the coming of age or is it rather focussing on being a more responsible member of your church/religion? Das à ¶ffentliche Gelà ¶bnis   The public oath of the GDR Jugendweihe (not in use nowadays) (as found first on this page  which also contains many more information on the topic of GDR but unfortunately only in German language.)  My translation is at times very literally so that you can also learn something about the German sentence structure and grammar here. Where a literal translation would be difficult or impossible to understand, I have put a more comprehensible version into parenthesis. Liebe junge Freunde!Dear young friends. Seid ihr bereit, als junge Bà ¼rger unserer Deutschen Demokratischen Republikare you ready as young citizens of-our German Democratic Republic mit uns gemeinsam, getreu der Verfassung,  with us together, according the constitution fà ¼r die große und edle Sache des Sozialismus zu arbeiten und zu kmpfenfor the big(ger) and noble cause of-the Socialism to work and to fight und das revolutionre Erbe des Volkes in Ehren zu halten, so antwortet:  and (to keep) the revolutionary heritage of-the Nation in honor to keep, so answer: Ja, das geloben wir!Yes, this-is-what we pledge! Seid ihr bereit, als treue Sà ¶hne und Tà ¶chter  Are you prepared, as faithful sons and daughters unseres Arbeiter-und-Bauern-Staates nach hoher Bildungof-our workers- and peasant nation (to strive) for higher education und Kultur zu streben, Meister eures Fachs zu werden,  and culture (to strive), (to become) Master of-your (professional) discipline, unentwegt zu lernen und all euer Wissen und Kà ¶nnen fà ¼r die Verwirklichung  incessantly to learn and all (to utilise) your knowledge and skill for the realization   unserer großen humanistischen Ideale einzusetzen, so antwortet:  of-our grand humanistic ideals (to utilise), so answer: Ja, das geloben wir!Yes, this-is-what we pledge! Seid ihr bereit, als wà ¼rdige Mitglieder der sozialistischen Gemeinschaft  Are you ready, as worthy members of-the socialist community stets in kameradschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit, gegenseitiger Achtung  always (act) in companionate cooperation, mutual respect und Hilfe zu handeln und euren Weg zum persà ¶nlichen Glà ¼ckand help (to act) and (to always unite) your path to personal fulfillment immer mit dem Kampf fà ¼r das Glà ¼ck des Volkes zu vereinen, so antwortet:  (always) with the struggle for happiness of the nation (lit.: the people), so answer: Ja, das geloben wir!Yes, this-is-what we pledge! Seid ihr bereit, als wahre Patrioten die feste Freundschaft mit der Sowjetunion  Are you prepared as true patriots, the steadfast friendship with the Sovjet Union weiter zu vertiefen, den Bruderbund mit den sozialistischen Lndern zu strken,  further to deepen, the brotherly association with the socialist countries to strengthen, im Geiste des proletarischen Internationalismus zu kmpfen,  in-the spirit of-the proletarian internationalism to fight, den Frieden zu schà ¼tzen und den Sozialismus gegen jeden imperialistischen Angriffthe peace to protect and the socialism against every imperialistic attack zu verteidigen, so antwortet:  to defend, so answer: Ja, das geloben wir!Yes, this-is-what we pledge! Wir haben euer Gelà ¶bnis vernommen.  We have heard (lit.: perceived) your pledge. Ihr habt euch ein hohes und edles Ziel gesetzt.  You have (set) yourselves a high and noble goal (set). Feierlich nehmen wir euch auf in die große Gemeinschaft  Solemnly take we you in, into the grand collective des werkttigen Volkes, das unter Fà ¼hrung der Arbeiterklasse  of-the working nation, that under the leadership of the working class und ihrer revolutionren Partei, einig im Willen und im Handeln,  and her revolutionary party, united in will (intention) and acting die entwickelte sozialistische Gesellschaft  (errects) the developed socialist community in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik errichtet.in the German Democratic Republic (errects). Wir à ¼bertragen euch eine hohe Verantwortung.  We transfer to-you a huge responsibility. Jederzeit werden wir euch mit Rat und Tat helfen,  At-any-time will we (help) you with advice and deed (help), die sozialistische Zukunft schà ¶pferisch zu gestalten.(to design) the socialist future creatively (to design).

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Fusion Definition (Physics and Chemistry)

Fusion Definition (Physics and Chemistry) The term fusion refers to key concepts in science, but the definition depends on whether that science is physics, chemistry, or biology. In its most general sense, fusion refers to synthesis or to the joining of two parts. Here are the different meanings of fusion in science: Key Takeaways: Fusion Definition in Science Fusion has several meaning in science. In general, they all refer to the joining of two parts to form a new product.The most common definition, used in physical science, refers to nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is the combination of two or more atomic nuclei to form one or more different nuclei. In other words, it is a form of transmutation that changes one element into another.In nuclear fusion, the mass of the product nucleus or nuclei is lower than the combined mass of the original nuclei. This is due to the effect of binding energy within the nuclei. Energy is required to force the nuclei together and energy is released when new nuclei form.Nuclear fusion may be either an endothermic or exothermic process, depending on the mass of the initial elements. Fusion Definitions in Physics and Chemistry Fusion means combining lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. Energy is absorbed or released by the process and the resulting nucleus is lighter than the combined masses of the two original nuclei added together. This type of fusion may be termed nuclear fusion. The reverse reaction, in which a heavy nucleus splits into lighter nuclei, is called nuclear fission.Fusion may refer to the phase transition from a solid to a light via melting. The reason the process is called fusion is because the heat of fusion is the energy required for a solid to become a liquid at that substances melting point.Fusion is name of a welding process used to join two thermoplastic pieces together. This process may also be called heat fusion. Fusion Definition in Biology and Medicine Fusion is the process by which uninuclear cells combine to form a multinuclear cell. This process is also known as cell fusion.Gene fusion is the formation of a hybrid gene from two separate genes. The event may occur as the result of a chromosomal inversion, translocation, or interstitial deletion.Tooth fusion is an abnormality characterized by the joining of two teeth.Spinal fusion is a surgical technique that combines two or more vertebrate. The procedure is also known as spondylodesis  or  spondylosyndesis. The most common reason for the procedure is to relieve pain and pressure on the spinal cord.Binaural fusion is the cognitive process through which auditory information from both ears is combined.Binocular fusion is the cognitive process through which visual information is combined from both eyes. Which Definition to Use Because fusion can refer to so many processes, its a good idea to use the most specific term for a purpose. For example, when discussing the combination of atomic nuclei, its better to refer to nuclear fusion rather than simply fusion. Otherwise, its usually obvious which definition applies when used in the context of a discipline. Nuclear Fusion More often than not, the term refers to nuclear fusion, which is the nuclear reaction between two or more atomic nuclei to form one or more different atomic nuclei. The reason the mass of the products is different from the mass of the reactants is due to the binding energy between atomic nuclei. If the fusion process results in a nucleus lighter in mass than the isotopes iron-56 or nickel-62, the net result will be an energy release. In other words, this type of fusion is exothermic. This is because the lighter elements have the largest binding energy per nucleon and the smallest mass per nucleon. On the other hand, fusion of heavier elements is endothermic. This may surprise readers who automatically assume nuclear fusion releases a lot of energy. With heavier nuclei, nuclear fission is exothermic. The significance of this is that heavier nuclei are much more fissionable than fusible, while lighter nuclei are more fusible than fissionable. Heavy, unstable nuclei are susceptible to spontaneous fission. Stars fuse lighter nuclei into heavier nuclei, but it takes incredible energy (as from a supernova) to fuse nuclei into elements heavier than iron!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Operations Strategy - Rolls Royce Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Operations Strategy - Rolls Royce - Coursework Example evising operational strategies but more sustainable initiatives are to be taken up in these processes so as to ensure higher strategic reconciliation of the objectives and resources of the company with the demands arising in the broad environment of the company. The operations strategies of a company have become critical for the success, sustainability and profitability of the business in the current complex, dynamic and intensely competitive corporate world. The report is commenced discussing the background of the case company and by providing an overview of the company in the current scenario. This is followed by a review of the literary works prepared and published by scholars and academicians in the arena of operations management and operations strategy. The different theories and concepts related to operations strategy are then applied and related to the operations strategy and operations management done in Rolls Royce Plc. A section of the report is dedicated to the discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the company in employing its operational strategies. The report is suitably concluded by highlighting the important findings from the study and by making suitable recommendations for improving the operations management of Rolls Royce Plc. for ensuring higher sustainability, competiveness and success in the future years of the business. Rolls Royce Plc. is a multinational company which started the business with automobile manufacturing and later entered into the foray of aero engine manufacturing. The company was found in the year 1906 by Charles Stewart Rolls and Sir Frederick Henry Royce as a form of partnership venture. Rolls Royce Plc. in the current market provides integrated power and engine solutions to customers in the civil, aerospace and defence markets along with the production of high end automotive. Rolls Royce Plc. is highly renowned for the superior manufacturing and engineering quality of the products and is also well known for the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Trends in Arabic Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Trends in Arabic Music - Essay Example Trends in Arabic Music Music The Arabic music that is now heard is known for the rich styles, evolution of popular trends and different implications within the entertainment industry. Recently, the popular music has expanded into international reaches that are able to present the ideologies of the culture. This moves into the folkloric elements, which use specific instrumentation and rhythms which are known throughout Arabia. These musical productions are combined with the newer elements of technology, specifically with the ability to present the music through performances, television and other multimedia images. Combining these factors has allowed the trends in Arabic music to expand and to move into the popular ideologies that reflect the culture while allowing the music to be one which is equal to the popular concepts that are now used within society (Aziz, 1). There are several divisions with the popular Arabic music which continue to set trends throughout the region. The first is known as Rai, which i s the most accepted type of music in the world today, specifically because it associates with the folk type instruments and rhythms while combining with the technology of today. . This is combined with the Sudanese and Nubian rhythms that are within the society, both which consist of fast paced rhythms, polyphonic accents and movements in the music that are specific to the Arabic culture. The rise of Arabic popular music; however, was led by the Egyptian style music through pop stars such as Amr Diab. This has created a hybrid of the Rai and specific rhythms while combining the tribal sounds with the up to date electronics known to many as the new world music (Werner, 1). Creating a Musical Style The overall trends in popular music have also led to specific styles which are now identified as Arabic in nature. This consists of both images and sounds which are used among Arabic music and which distinguish the various features of those that are listening to the music. The first part of this is based on combining the current situations with the ideologies of musical style within the region. The strong commitment to religion, secular beliefs with love and fulfillment in life and leisure activities is the main themes which are presented among those interested in the popular music. This is combined with the ideologies of art, leisure and entertainment as reflecting the ideas of society specifically with making statements about the beliefs and conditions which are in the region. The musical style is then able to create a hybrid component with the folkloric elements that drive the rhythm and sound while creating a style that is reflective of the themes of religion and relationships within the Arabic world (Neiuwkerk, 169). Another component which is now reflected in the musical style is coming from the ideal of moving into globalization. Many of the musical styles are now reflecting the elements of hybrid forms of art and transcultural realities. There are several popu lar trends which are showing this with the musical styles that are present within society. For instance, reality TV is creating a sense of critical transculturalism, which is based on political, economic and cultural changes of the time. Politically and economically, the Arabic world has changed into one which is intertwined with the associations of the Western world and

Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Swot Analysis Of American Airline

A Swot Analysis Of American Airline Abstract The airline industry has always been and continues to be the most fiercely competitive business sector in all facets of its operations. Operating on paper thin margins the drop in passenger traffic brought on by the events of September 11th, 2001 have affected domestic United States airlines as well as all global carriers. The events of that day have caused governmental intervention in the form of loan guarantees, compensation for terrorist attack losses, as well as insurance related to war risk (Shane, 2003). The Associate deputy secretary of Transportation stated that the industry is in its à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦worst financial crisisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Shane, 2003), since the industry was deregulated in 1978. It is important to understand that two differing types of airline carriers exist in the United States. The majors refer to airlines earning revenues in excess of $1 billion USD annually and generally they provide national as well as international service. These airlines cater to the bus iness class customer and passengers who either expect or desire full in flight services such as meals and related amenities. American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Air Lines, U.S. Airways, Continental Airlines and Northwest Airlines fit these designations (Mayer, 2002). The discount air carriers have changed the face of the airline industry with their no frills, low-cost airfares and have put pressure on the majors in terms of eroding their market share. The preceding battle between discount carriers has further exacerbated the majors thin operating margins and has resulted in Delta, Continental, Northwest, United and US Airways (Beck, 2005) filing for protection under Chapter 11 of the United States bankruptcy laws while they restructure and renegotiate union contracts and creditor agreements. United States Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain has stated that the United States government should be à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦reluctant to do anything that might keep inefficient businesses afloat (Shane, 2003). This is the climate in which the subject airline, American Airlines operates. Chapter 1 American Airlines PEST Analysis The utilization of a PEST analysis with regard to American Airlines takes into account the political, economic, social and technological (NetMBA, 2004) environment the industry is embroiled in and how this has, is and will threaten to impact its operations and profitability. It must be remembered that the number of possibilities concerning macro-environmental aspects is almost limitless, thus concentration will be paid to those areas perceived to have the highest impact. Political The political stability of the United States was severely shaken by the terrorist events of September 11, 2001, and this directly resulted in a catastrophic drop in business as well as personal air travel (Ito et al, 2003). The preceding along with the following areas have impacted negatively on earnings as well as profitability among the majors: Pricing regulations Wage legislation and union requirements Deregulation policies of 1978 Increased emphasis on national and airport security Economic The overall economic climate in the United States prior to the events of September 11, 2001 called for a mild recession and the airline industry was wrestling with discount carriers. The pre 9-11 airline climate forecast a slight contraction as a result of the reversionary climate which was dramatically impacted by the events of 9-11 and the resulting economic aftermath (Ito et al, 2003): Dramatic slowdown of the economic growth rate Increase in fuel costs Balance of trade accounts Inflationary and fluctuations of the dollars against the Euro, and Yen Social The emphasis on September 11th throughout these varied analysis is due to the sweeping impact that event had on global events in all theatres. The social implications thus shaped or amplified are as follows (Mayer, 2002): Increased layoffs impacting all income groups Sharp decrease in lower and middle class travel Decline in airline related vacations destinations Negative impact of air travel safety brought on by the events of 9-11 Decrease in general airline related travel plans by consumers Low-fare travel stigma attitude shift to an acceptable alternative Technological The Internets impact on business and consumer purchasing habits heralded in a new age of information exchange which changed the manner in which airline tickets are sold. Airline SABRE system Decrease in airline travel agencies Introduction of Internet airline ticket reservations and ticketing Entry of Travelocity, Orbitz, Cheaptickets, Expedia and other best price shopping services The availability of the Internet as a consumer and business fare and flight shopping tool Porters Five Forces Michael Porters Five Forces model (QuickMBA, 2005) provides a framework to view the airline industry from the perspective of five forces that influence it: Rivalry American ranks as the worlds largest airline in terms of passengers carried, however is rated number 11th in terms of overall airline quality (Holderbach, 2004). Low-fare airlines garnered three of the top four spots in airline quality ratings, 1. Jet Blue, 2. Alaska, 3. Southwest, 4. America West. All but Alaska Airlines are low fare carriers. The remaining airlines are 5. US Airways, 6. Northwest, 7. Continental, 8. AirTran, 9. United, 10. ATA, 11. American, 12. Delta, 13. American Eagle and 14 Atlantic Southeast (Holderbach, 2004). Some of the more important facets within this category of the Five Forces model are: slow market growth since 9-11 high fixed operating costs low relative levels of product differentiation among the majors inroads of the low-fare carriers in the changing perception of air travel shake out of the industry since 9-11 in terms of bankruptcies and failures Threat of Substitutes Within Porters model substitute services come into play when demand exceeds supply, or vice versa. In the airline industry the excess supply has been attacked by low-fare carriers who have continually gained market share. Buyer Power The airline industry suffers from oversupply as well as fixed costs which served as the foundation for low fare carriers who offer no frill flights in return for discounted fares. This approach effectively pulled the casual traveler and spread to frequent travelers and some classes of business travel for companies seeking to cut costs. Buyer demand is re-shaping the airline industry as a result of these options. Supplier Power In terms of this category, fuel is the single largest airline cost expenditure item which affects all firms equally. Low Fare carriers by eliminating frills lower their per flight operating costs which have and is attracting scores of travelers to their fold. Barriers to Entry / Threat of Entry Traditionally, the high cost of entry in the airline industry reduced the treat of entry by competitive companies. However the business model offered by low fare carriers exploited the lower end segment of the market via price and provided a foundation for the entry of Southwest, Jet Blue, America West and others (Ito et al, 2003). SWOT Analysis The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats internal to a company represent the strategic environment known as a SWOT analysis (QuickMBA, 2004). Strengths Some of the advantages that American Airlines has in comparison to its competitors are (American Airlines, 2005): Recognizable brand name Largest global airline in terms of passenger traffic National and International routes serving all corners of the globe Perception as a major carrier with the commensurate levels of service Weaknesses internal flight amenities draining profits inability to compete with low fare carriers on price lack of competitive pricing to attract casual traveler base vulnerability to pricing Opportunities (American Airlines, 2005). code sharing agreements with domestic and international airlines SABRE ticketing system Presence at most airports American Eagle regional routes Lucrative route structure Threats thin operating margins favoring low fare carriers public acceptance of low fare carrier concept customer quality perception of low fare carriers that exceeds the majors prolonged slow economy favors low fare carrier pricing structure segmentation of the industry into business and discount carrier classifications high fuel prices government intervention Chapter 2 Conclusion The intense competition in the airline industry along with thin operating margins and fuel costs along with other expenditures existed before the dramatic events of September 11th. The strengths of American Airlines in being the worlds largest airline provides it with a huge customer base that is familiar with the airline. This represents the core of all marketing, customer retention as well as the foundation to attract new customer trial. Customer retention and utilization represent the primary advantage that American Airlines enjoys and needs to utilize to protect its position as well as build upon. The American Eagle division provides the company with an additional customer convenience marketing tool via intra city (regional) destination traffic. In order to accomplish the preceding objective the company must increase its quality of service from its current 11th position to increase customer satisfaction. The 50/50 mix of business and leisure travelers that comprise its customer b ase has remained relatively constant and business class travelers contribute heavily to profits as a result of the higher fares paid for first class and business class seating (American Airlines, 2005). Utilization of target marketing with concentration on the frequent flier base represents Americans primary advantage to capitalize upon since is does not compete in a low fare platform. Tightened restrictions on fares has closed a lot of the gap, thus consumer perceptions in the higher income categories represent a huge customer base for American to capitalize on in stealing customers from the other majors as a primary strategy and eroding the fringe low fare customer base as a secondary target market. Technology in terms of software advances along with code sharing, peaking and Americans route and connection structures offer convenience. Increased international travel also helps the company as a result of its global routes and destinations. Americans size, reach, reputation, fleet and presence at over 154 airports reinforces the preceding (American Airlines, 2005). The companys corporate vision states its objectives are to: set industry standard for safety and security, provide superior customer service, produce returns for stakeholders and shareholders by increasing business and thus revenue opportunities for vendors and allied firms further solidify the brand name and image as a premier carrier increase creative ticketing, promotions, vacation packages and associated areas to distance the company from low fare carriers and thus minimize their effects, capitalize upon inherent advantages As the worlds largest carrier American Airlines business and leisure base provides the customer foundation to enable it to compete successfully against other majors as well as differentiate itself from low fare carriers. This ability to be the choice in the full flight service category along with the number of airports, seamless domestic and international route structure that enable it to offer direct service to the most destinations via its own branded airline represents a key convenience and thus marketing factor to garner success in this highly competitive environment.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Explore the similarities and differences Essay

Shakespeare’s original Hamlet was written in text, however Kenneth Branagh created a film version of the play as did Franco Zeffirelli. Firstly there are many advantages that film productions have over plays written in text only. For example, Shakespeare’s Hamlet cannot portray certain visual elements that can be vital in the understanding of a play – but film has that advantage and therefore can add such details as settings, characters and their costumes and body language. Even the way that a line is spoken can make a big difference in its portrayal to the audience. For example in Branagh’s version of Hamlet, whilst talking about the ghost he pauses before he says the word, â€Å"apparition,† which gives the impression he is confused as to how he will describe the spirit seen of King Hamlet. Film can use music in the background to suit the mood of the particular scene. For example in the opening scene of Hamlet by Branagh there is much imagery created even before any dialogue is used. There is an imposing view of the Kings castle at night whilst ghostly bells toll the midnight hour and you hear the crunching footsteps of Francisco guarding the gates. Just these few devices mixed together instantly create an atmosphere that cannot be recognised so easily in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Instead, â€Å"Who’s there? † Barnado says. Starting off with a question like this immediately sets a mood of apprehension that Branagh captures when Barnado jumps on top of Francisco whilst shouting â€Å"Who’s there? † Also Shakespeare’s broken and short dialogue creates unease and confusion adding to the dark atmosphere. For example the first six lines are short and seem anxious and nervous – â€Å"Who’s there? / Nay, answer me. Stand and unfold yourself. / Long live the King! / Barnado? / He. / You come most carefully upon your hour. † Both Shakespeare’s and Branagh’s Hamlet are different in the way Branagh’s is in the format of film and Shakespeare’s is only text. However they are very similar in the way they both create a dark, corrupt atmosphere – Branagh with his dramatic imagery and Shakespeare with his broken, short dialogue. Also with Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Francisco says, â€Å"‘Tis bitter cold, and I am sick at heart,† just this single sentence adds to the atmosphere that something is seriously wrong in a very evil way. Another way in which Branagh used dramatic imagery – when the ghost appears for the first time in front of the men. The ghost is the image of the King in full battle armour floating towards them with dramatic music in the background. This imagery is clearly something that cannot easily be drawn from Shakespeare’s text on its own. A similarity between both Shakespeare’s and Branagh’s Hamlet is that Branagh’s version stays extremely faithful to the text in the original Hamlet by Shakespeare. For example, just after Horatio sees the ghost of old Hamlet he goes on at great detail about the ghost’s appearance as an omen of trouble brewing for Denmark – quite a long section of dialogue. However, Branagh’s film doesn’t cut out a single word and keeps the dialogue identical to the original text by Shakespeare. Zeffirelli’s Hamlet cuts out the whole of the original ghost scene completely substituting it with the funeral of old King Hamlet with emphasis on the King’s death rather than the ghost appearing. In this respect it loses a lot of the atmospheric effect that Branagh’s version creates. Hamlet should be portrayed in a dark, evil way to start off the play that Branagh’s does successfully. However, with Zeffirelli’s version there is no way of knowing that an evil deed has been done or that there is any corruption, guilt or suspicion of any kind. All you note is the negativity of the Kings funeral. Although both films’ opening scenes are very different in many ways they are both similar in another way. They both start with a negative theme. Branagh’s version shows the dead King Hamlet’s ghost haunting the troubled minds of the guards and this reinforces the sense of evil captured that night. Zeffirelli’s version shows the great castle and all the knights wearing black for the King’s funeral while Hamlet’s mother hysterically weeps over the still body of the King. Therefore in this way they are very similar. Another big difference is the running time of both films. Branagh’s film’s running time is 232 minutes, which is a long time compared to just 130 minutes of Zeffirelli’s version of Hamlet. This difference accounts for the fact that Zeffirelli cut out a great deal of the original Shakespearean text whereas Branagh included almost all of it in the entire film.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay on “The Renaissance as a Portal to the Modern Age”

Essay on â€Å"The Renaissance as a Portal to the Modern Age† The Renaissance was a time, as the name suggests, of rebirth and renewal in Europe; a time that led society into a new modern age. Inventions shaped society and brought it closer to what people would recognize today; and philosophical and religious enlightenment moved civilizations out of the dark ages and towards a deeper understanding of humanity. This essay will analyze the importance of these two features of the Renaissance as a portal to the modern age. New inventions during the Renaissance still play a part in the modern age today, from everyday necessities such as the toilet to technological innovations like the microscope (â€Å"Inventions of the Renaissance†, web). However, the invention that had the largest impact on Renaissance life as well as society today was the printing press. Although a number of people were partially responsible for the creation of the printing press, the name that is best remembered is Johannes Gutenberg, who invented moveable type. The printing press meant that ideas could be shared with greater ease, and more cheaply than before. The literacy of lay people increased as books became more freely available on a variety of subjects (previously, religion had been the dominant topic of books, which is hardly surprising since the majority of books were produced by monks) and scholarly work was aided, as philosophical ideas and scientific discoveries reached a wider audience (Kreis, 2000, web.). The printing press inadvertently aided another factor that made the Renaissance a portal to the modern world. In 1452, Gutenberg began to translate the Bible from Latin (Kreis, 2000, web.). In an act that to the Roman Catholic Church constituted heresy, Gutenberg made the Bible available to the lay people of Europe. The dominance of the Roman Catholic Church, along with the supremacy of the pope, came to an end (Finley, n.d. web). For the first time, lay people were able to study the Bible in their own language and interpret it for themselves, and then print their interpretations for others to read. Man became a master of his own faith and existence, and with a renewed interest in humanism, faith became multi-faceted and secularism rose in influence, two things that still exist in the modern world. The free exchange of ideas is a feature of the Renaissance that

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Accounting Prudence Concept - 1972 Words

conservation Prudence concept: revenue and profits are included in the balance sheet only when they are realized(or there is reasonable certainty of realizing them) butliabilities are included when there is a reasonable possibility of incurring them. Also called conservation concept. Du Pont analysis A type of analysis that examines a company s Return on Equity (ROE) by breaking it into three main components:profit margin, asset turnover and leverage factor. By breaking the ROE into distinct parts, investors can examine how effectively a company is using equity, since poorly performing components will drag down the overall figure. To calculate a firm s ROE through Du Pont analysis, multiply theprofit margin (net income†¦show more content†¦These costs are recorded in ledger accounts throughout the year and are then shown in the final trial balance before the preparing of the manufacturing statement accounting concept and conventions In drawing up accounting statements, whether they are external financial accounts or internally-focused management accounts, a clear objective has to be that the accounts fairly reflect the true substance of the business and the results of its operation. The theory of accounting has, therefore, developed the concept of a true and fair view. The true and fair view is applied in ensuring and assessing whether accounts do indeed portray accurately the business activities. To support the application of the true and fair view, accounting has adopted certain concepts and conventions which help to ensure that accounting information is presented accurately and consistently. Accounting Conventions The most commonly encountered convention is the historical cost convention. This requires transactions to be recorded at the price ruling at the time, and for assets to be valued at their original cost. Under the historical cost convention, therefore, no account is taken of changing prices in the economy. The other conventions you will encounter in a set of accounts can be summarized as follows: Monetary measurement | Accountants do not account for items unless they can beShow MoreRelatedAccrual, Prudence And Matching Concepts Of Accounting1085 Words   |  5 Pagessubject to the accrual, prudence and matching concepts of accounting. The accrual concept of accounting postulates that revenue income should be recognized when it is earned. Therefore, the fact that the cash settlement of the transaction in the case of MPI and CWR occurred later is immaterial. 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They provide business stakeholders both inside and outside a clear picture of the current financial standing of the business enterprise. Preparing these financial statements in not an easy task and requires professional judgement so prudence is a key accounting principle which makes sure that assets and income are not overstated and liabilities and expenses are not understated. Most businesses produce three major financial statements, including the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow